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Prodám hry na PS2
Na adrese: https://pocitace.inzeo.cz/index.php/pocitace-ostatni/prodam-hry-na-ps2
Prodám tyto hry na PS2 v dobrém stavu. Pokud možno všechny s osobním odběrem. Perfect Ace (100) International Golf Pro (100) NHL 2005 (70) Need for Speed – Most Wanted (180) Battlefield 2 – Modern Combat (180) Medal of Honor – Frontline (180) Mercenaries (150) Grand theft Auto (GTA) – Vice City (200) Grand theft Auto (GTA) – San Andreas (220) Knights of the Temple II (150) Turok – Evolution (150) Resident Evil – Outbreak (150) Heroes of the Pacifik (150)